
I am progressing through my PhD studies at Tsinghua University. My research interest focuses on system security, with an emphasis on operating systems and embedded systems security. This includes the Linux kernel, embedded operating systems, and robot operating systems. These sophisticated systems form the very backbone of countless applications in our daily lives, and understanding their vulnerabilities is a complex and vital task.

Selected Publications


  • Second Class Scholarship at Tsinghua University (2023)
  • First Class Scholarship at Tsinghua University (2022)
  • Second Class Scholarship at Tsinghua University (2021)
  • National Scholarship (2018)


  • ISSRE 21’ External Reviewers


  • Rtkaller: Rtkaller is an unsupervised coverage-guided kernel fuzzer for RTOS fuzzing. site
  • XenSanitizer: LLVM plugin toolset for Xen fuzzing. site